Bringing him back down
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
4 1/2 months old!
Nash has gotten so big in the last month. Tyler and Courtney said when they took him to the nursery at church for the first time that he looked like an old man compared to all of the other babies. He does have very grown up features and tons of hair :) Courtney, Tyler, and Dad made dinner for me, mom, and Ashley Carr on Saturday (while Nash had some bananas and cereal baby food), and we all got to take turns taking pictures of Nash and holding him. You know, the usual routine. Courtney was picking him up by his feet and hanging him upside down and then bringing him back down on his back, and he loved it! Tyler would have been scared to do that when he was little, cause he was scared of everything from the time he was born maybe till he left for college. Maybe Nash will be more brave like Courtney and me.!
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Favorite Pictures
Ok now that I have finally got everyone updated on whats happened since Nash has been born (sorry it took so long) I wanted to show everyone some of my faves of Nash. I stole most of these pics from Courtney!! (Thanks!) that everyone is up to pace I hope to post more often. 

Baby's 1st Christmas
Road Trip to see the Biltmore
Nash went on his first road trip on December 5th to see the Biltmore! He did really good the whole way down there but by the end of the trip I think he was definitely tired of being in his car seat. He would cry if he was just sitting there but if one of us would like play with his feet or just hold his feet he would stop crying. It was the funniest thing. Also he cried on the way back to Huntsville and then he fell asleep 2 minutes before we got to Tyler Court and Nash's house. Go figure. He did really well the whole time we were touring the Biltmore. He didn't cry at all. Also Courtney held him the whole time through the tour...she probably gained some muscles after that trip. Here's some pics of the fam on that trip!

1st Thanksgiving
This Thanksgiving we all got together at our lake house. My mom's side of the family and my dad's side of the family at the same time. We all had a lot of fun hanging out and eating and catching up. Nash and Michael had fun getting held by every member of the family all day. I'd say they have it pretty good! I also got some good shots of everyone sleeping after the big meal...enjoy

Sleeping Beauties

Baby Michael!

Peapod Nash's 1st Halloween
Nash was a peapod this Halloween. He was definitely the cutest peapod I have ever seen. Tyler and Courtney brought him over to Aunt Pam's for the Halloween festivities, and he was joined there by his two cousins Ava (Cinderella) and Michael (Tiger). They were all so cute and we all had so much fun! Here are some funny pictures of all the kids....

Auburn vs. Alabama
Tyler and Courtney went on their first overnight outing with out the baby, and we decided to use this oppurtunity to mess with Tyler a little bit. When they dropped Nash off at mom and dad's house, he was decked out in complete game day Auburn attire. Later that afternoon me and mom went by Lily Flagg Furniture to look at a couch, and we saw this interesting Auburn Alabama area they had set up. We decided to put Nash in the houndstooth chair with an Alabama football and then send tyler a pic message. Needless to say he wasn't exactly thrilled w/ us and he may have even sent us a few curse words back. However, I am still determined for Nash to be an Alabama fan!

He doesn't look to thrilled w/ me in this pic!
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Tyler Nash Weaver, Jr.