Tuesday, January 20, 2009

4 1/2 months old!

Nash has gotten so big in the last month. Tyler and Courtney said when they took him to the nursery at church for the first time that he looked like an old man compared to all of the other babies. He does have very grown up features and tons of hair :) Courtney, Tyler, and Dad made dinner for me, mom, and Ashley Carr on Saturday (while Nash had some bananas and cereal baby food), and we all got to take turns taking pictures of Nash and holding him. You know, the usual routine. Courtney was picking him up by his feet and hanging him upside down and then bringing him back down on his back, and he loved it! Tyler would have been scared to do that when he was little, cause he was scared of everything from the time he was born maybe till he left for college. Maybe Nash will be more brave like Courtney and me.!
Bringing him back down
Courtney picking him up from his feet!

Nash and his Pop watching tv

Nash about to eat his bananas and cereal

Me and Nash w/ his hair all messed up, too bad we don't look more alike :)

1 comment:

jac said...

what a stud. how far can he throw the rock?

Tyler Nash Weaver, Jr.

Tyler Nash Weaver, Jr.